Tuesday, January 29, 2008

it only gets better

That's what I'm telling myself.
Headed out to the school board meeting at 7 pm last night. In the dark. Did I mention the pouring rain? Or the fact that the twins were with me? So we park, go over the rules about how quiet we're going to sit. No whispering or fidgeting. When BAM! Zack is head first on the sidewalk with a HUGE goose egg on his forehead. (in my eagerness to remind them how well behaved they were going to be I forgot to remind him of the big step) I swear I have never seen a bump that big grow so fast. The screaming commenced, followed by the howling as I hurriedly put both boys back in their seats, flagged down another parent to ask them to relay that I had come but was leaving, and fill my glove with snow to use as an icepack in the car on the way home. Once we're home, he recovered quickly and Sam wanted to go back to the meeting. As did Zack. His know was still huge and we had put frozen corn on it. When Zack had a great idea about how he could go to the meeting. "I can take my ice with me (wrapped in a kitchen towel). That'll be a good idea." and Sam replies "Yeah, just don't let anyone see it's really CORN!" John and I busted out laughing! Zack and Dad stayed home while Sam and I went back. We walk in the door just in time to see a lot of parents bundling up and walking out. They addressed the Carbon Monoxide on our bus first thing and I missed it. All is well. The parents filled me in. And a note is in the mail.

In other news: Sam's feeling better. His cough is almost gone and he has just 1 or 2 fits a day. Zack's green bugger nose that turned into a faucet stopped running. For that we are MOST thankful!

Today is an inclement weather day at school. We don't know why. It's 40 degrees outside. no snow. Wind Advisory goes into effect later tonight. Ah, just as well. Maybe the Transportation guy needed a day off after the reaming he got last night. Who knows? We're having a jammie day!

Until next time.

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